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Auto-Tune 今時今日喺香港面對緊嘅野就好似20年前嘅美國一樣,都係受到”主流”嘅各種批評。
貴古賤今好似一向都喺人類嘅普遍習慣。而音樂每一秒都喺度不停改變緊,Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Contemporary 每個時代嘅音樂都有屬於佢自己嘅特色。當時代更替時,革命黨同保守黨嘅對立矛盾似乎喺必然存在。新舊黨爭,戊戌維新同埋 Auto-Tune In Hong Kong 其實都喺如出一轍。
Andy Hildebrand said “Someone asked me, you know, this is all your fault, you have an excuse? I said I just build the car, I don’t drive it down the wrong side of the freeway.”
鍾意聽多啲,唔鍾意都可以聽吓,了解自己點解唔鍾意,唔洗一聽到Auto-Tune 就不了嘅!不論你鍾意又好,唔鍾意又好,Auto-Tune 毫無疑問已經名留青史。
Simon Retnolds: When we look back on this era. We will ask what was the sound of the 21st century, it is going to be autotune. Autotune is an indispensable element in today’s music production.